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Faking the 3d look using Coreldraw - by 3dcoreldraw Team
This title and image was inspired by a PS tutorial done by Vinny chirayil for 3dtotal. All design credit goes to him. Hats off to Vinny Chirayil. This tutorial aims to break the tradition of using coreldraw for flat graphic designs only. It is also my tribute to the original artist's work. Anyone familiar...
faking the 3d look using coreldraw banner

3 ways to make $500 a day online as a designer - by 3dcoreldraw Team
In my life I have known very talented well-trained graphic or web designers who are still eking a living offline/online, earning meager salaries from their employers. I bet you know a few of such friends. The methods explained in this e-guide is tested and fool-proof. I have used combinations of them to make more than $500 a day. Thus...
3 ways to make USD 500 a day online as a designer

Design Rapidshare download button in corelDRAW - by 3dcoreldraw Team
CorelDRAW users will find this tutorial very useful in learning some techniques involved in designing rapidshare download button in different colours. This tutorial will make use of basic tools in CorelDRAW and will be highly recommended for intermediate users who...

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